
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."

Matthew 28:19

These were the final words of Christ to His disciples before He ascended into the Heavens. This command to make disciples of all nations is the marching orders of every Christian. This is the Great Commission. At Foothills Community Church, we desire to be known as a Great Commission Focused church. Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all creation is our great calling. And it is in serving Christ that abundant life is truly found.

Missions’ is very simple.  You’re either called to go down into the well or you’re called to hold the rope for those that go down.  Either way, there should be scars on your hands.  Where are your scars?  What has it cost you to be a Christian?  ~Paul Washer

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips

If you would like more information on how you can join Foothills Community Church in fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ by making disciples of people in our community as well as the nations,  click the link below to contact us.

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